Thursday, December 18, 2008

from the Manse

Dear Friends,

She called out. I was surrounded by cups, plates, toast, butter, milk and teapot with morning hair, just awake but still on automatic. “Ok! Ok!” I said while I continued the breakfast ritual. She called again. I surveyed the scene. A drawer, two cupboard doors and the fridge all open. I closed the fridge door, and the insistent voice stopped.

My attention was called to my habit of leaving drawers and doors open during cooking. It’s for easy access but I do forget and ruefully notice Ruth closing the left-opens after I leave. We have discussed it, and while there is initial annoyance she has decided it is not worth getting upset about. The onus is on me to remember or not. Ironically we both agree we would miss some of our little ways if they weren’t there.

The alarm in the fridge prompted insight! It’s insistence was a reminder of the grace and acceptance I receive in spite of my idiosyncrasies and the absolute choice I have in how I respond in any situation. In the Christmas story, Mary responds to her pregnant dilemma with acceptance and grace. How do you think she really felt? What’s your response to the things you can’t change?

Grace and peace,

Friday, December 12, 2008

Welcome Rod!

Last Sunday, after months of waiting we finally got to welcome Rod. We have been looking forward to his leadership and ministry with us. Joy suggested that we each make a letter and bring it to make a message of welcome - a card, the inside of which is pictured above.
Jane led our time together with a very thoughtful reflection on forgiveness. She began with a beautiful opening prayer:
God who is mysterious and yet our most intimate companion we pray for sense of your presence today. As we gather to contemplate, reflect and give thanks we ask for open hearts to feel and to heal so we can be nourished for our work in the world, Amen

i finally remembered to take my camera - so here are a few piccies of the day.

Rod with Natalie

Michael and Jane

Friday, December 5, 2008

Walk Against Warming

Climate Change Action Now in Poznan
This Saturday join the rest of the global community in calling for a strong international response to climate change at this year’s Global Day of Action on Climate Change. In Adelaide, participants will construct a huge map of Australia accompanied by a giant human message, at Glenelg beach. The message will demand commitment and action on climate change and ensure a just and fair international agreement for all but especially for the poorest nations at the Poznan talks.
What: Walk Against Warming with a giant human map and message
Where: Adjacent to the Glenelg Jetty When: December 6 2008, 11am
Who: South Australians wanting to send a message to the Federal Government to demonstrate real leadership at the climate change talks in Poland
The 2008 Adelaide Walk Against Warming is organised by the Conservation Council of South Australia (CCSA) with support from The Wilderness Society (SA) Inc and Make Poverty

To Read Tony Kevin's article Australia shamed as climate reaches turning point published by Eureka Street click here