Friday, September 26, 2008

The magpie, the kookaburra and the noisy miners

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

There are a number of magpies that gather with us each week. They are not shy, confident that they have first option on any crumbs we drop. We're glad they are so comfortable with us and enjoy their company, mostly. Last week a kookaburra decided s/he would like in on the party, too. One magpie was not happy about this and began viciously attacking the kookaburra. A whole gang of little noisy miner birds came in to protect the kookaburra. As soon as the magpie let go of it, the kookaburra flew to safety in a near by tree. The miner birds all gathered around the kookaburra in the tree to protect it from the magpie. There before our eyes was a lesson in the most effective way to deal with bullies - empower the bystanders. And a good reminder of the difference small creatures can make when they work together. I wish I had had my camera with me to capture such an amazing sight. And, I have to say, noisy miner birds have gone up in my estimation.

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